The Journey to Christmas
There’s a story to tell! But, how many different ways can you tell the Christmas story? Same characters, same place, same story, am I right? Not exactly! That is if you take advantage of the endless array of imagery with which to dazzle the imagination.
Here’s a fun way to share the greatest story ever told.
Lake Side Church is telling the scared story (Luke 2:1-20) with its Nativity lawn figurines. Each week during Advent the Christmas story is being acted out as the drama unfolds leading up to the birth of Christ.
Perhaps, it may somehow cause your heart to bow to worship, too.
With all the excitement around the holiday celebration, just be reminded that Jesus is the reason for the season! Jesus is our Hope, our Peace, our Joy, and the Love that came at Christmas to save the world.
And if you are out riding around during the holidays, taking in the sights of the light decorations, come by our place, 8130 Moneta Road, Bedford, VA, and let us know what you think.