Sermon Title: “Why, Jesus is Teaching, to ‘Love One Another’”?
Scripture: John 13:34-35
34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
Message Synopsis:
I See Jesus in You!
Discipleship is not a program, it’s a process. Spiritual Growth means that you are making progress. That Christ is being formed in you. God has an incredible purpose for your life, and the Lake Side Church Growth Steps is designed to help you connect with that purpose. The steps are to help teach you what it looks like to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose and then make a difference with your life.
Loving Everyone
Growth Steps: Step 1 – To Be Loved!
Each of us spends our lives on a journey longing deeply—for meaning, for love, for significance. When you long for a love that is deep and satisfying, when you want to give yourself to something that will truly make a difference, or when you seek answers to life’s most difficult questions, you are looking for God. People need to know that God loves them, that their lives have meaning and purpose, that there is. God has given us the good news and we want to share it together.
Steps for finding our way to God:
[1] Letting God Love You
[2] Wishing You Could Start Over
[3] Knowing You Can’t Do It On Your Own
[4] Wanting To Know If You Are Loved
[5] Finding Your Way Back To God
Engaging Faith
Growth Steps: Step 2 – To Belong!
You are not meant to be alone? No one is meant to be alone. You were created to belong. The moment you begin your relationship with Jesus Christ you also begin a relationship with other believers. You become part of God’s family, and in God’s family you are connected. God did not intend for His children to live alone, but rather live in a family as a community of believers, interrelated with each other and part of something much bigger than themselves. That “something” is the Church. Let Lake Side Church become your family!
Steps for Connecting to the Church:
[1] Following Jesus in Baptism
[2] Worshiping Together
[3] Committing to be a Member
[4] Forgiving those who have hurt you
Growing Together
Growth Steps: Step 3 – To Grow in Spirit!
The reality is growth is never going to happen by accident. Spiritual growth is intentional. And, building your life to honor God isn’t a onetime decision. It is a life-long commitment to honor Him in all ways. You need to determine your next step on your spiritual journey; steps to help you follow God with everything that you have. This probably won’t happen overnight but stick with it and you will see yourself learn to live a life that honors God.
Steps for Spiritual Growth:
[1] Reading the Word
[2] Praying with Heart
[3] Loving by Obeying
[4] Giving with Thankfulness
Serving Others
Growth Steps: Step 4 – To Serve!
Most of us want to make a difference; we want to leave our mark on the world, and on the heart of hurting people. And God has gifted each of us with a particular set of skills to do just that. As a follower of Christ, one of the most powerful lessons you can put into action is serving in the church. Because when you volunteer your time and talent, you will discover the key to creating change. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
Steps for Serving One Another:
[1] Becoming Like Jesus
[2] Caring About the Broken Hearted
[3] Loving Our Neighbor
[4] Telling Others the Good News