Message Aim: To help you trust God more completely, to trust God’s purpose.
Sermon Title: “How Does God See Me?”
Scripture: Isaiah 55:8–11
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:8–11)
Message Synopsis:
[Show Movie Clip: Bumper “Shack”] (at beginning of message – as I get up to speak)
Have you ever planted a garden? There is something amazing about placing tiny dry seeds in the ground, covering them with earth and water, and then waiting for something to grow. The more difficult moments of gardening come pulling up new growth and thinning things out to make way for mature growth.
Mack, is invited into a garden of sorts. Mack has just stormed out of a conversation with Papa. He’s angry, and it seems that he’s had enough of the shack and this strange encounter.
[Show Movie Clip 2: “WayOut”]
Last week, we tackled the question “Where is God when I need Him the most?” We explored the paths of directing our honest questions to God and encountering Him in the midst of our pain. This week, let’s explore the question ”How does God see me?” I’m afraid that for far too many of us, guilt and shame are how we feel. We can be a lot like Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:8–10. “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid… so I hid.’” Could it be that God sees beauty in our mess?
- A Beautiful Mess / A Different View The garden was “Wild,” a mess.” To Mack, everything looks wild and overgrown. Beautiful, yes, but lacking any sense of order—at least any order he can see. But Sarayu is seeing things somehow differently. She agrees it is a mess. “So beautiful,” she says admiringly. Genesis 1:1:27–28, 31 give us a view of God’s original viewpoint how He views humanity? Good. Very good. God sees beauty in what He has created as you and me.
- Abiding in Christ How does God want to bring this beauty to bear? In relationship. That’s the way it all began in Eden. But what was the lie the serpent sold the first couple?. At its core, the lie claimed that they didn’t need God; they could be like God. They could do it all on their own. Isn’t this the same lie that we face every day? In other words, you don’t need God. Jesus pointed out to stay connected to our life-giving source and drawing everything we need from Him.
- Higher Vision God is inviting us into true, restorative relationship. Jesus’s invitation is to share the load as He walks beside us, teaching and guiding us with gentleness and comfort, through pain and uncertainty and everyday life. As we walk with Him, we can trust that God has a bigger vision, a deeper understanding, and a transformative purpose. God sees so much more clearly than we do. His perspective is eternity. His understanding is unlimited.
We will never fully grasp the spiritual realities at work until we fully enter God’s presence in heaven. Will we turn to Him and align our hearts to His? Will we experience the beauty He wants to nourish in our lives? His invitation is there for us. Will you take it?