Message Aim: To help you trust God more completely, to trust God’s goodness.
Sermon Title: “Where is God When I Need Him Most?”
Scripture: Psalm 139:1–6
You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
Message Synopsis:
[See Movie Clip: Bumper “Shack”]
It’s good to see you here today. I want to ask you a personal question. Did any of you have a bad day this week or last week? (I did!) Of course, some of you may be feeling like it’s been a bad month—or a bad year running. Some of you may really be facing some serious struggles or pain or loss or maybe even tragedy.
One of life’s hardest questions in whatever form you ask it: Why does pain exist? Why does God let bad things happen to good people? Wherever you are on your journey of trusting God, whatever you’re wrestling with inside, I’m glad you are here. Over the next few weeks, this is going to be a place where we ask and explore some tough questions. Together we are going to explore what it can really look like to encounter God. We’ll be using the movie The Shack to help spark our journey, and we’ll be watching some video clips as examples and illustrations.
The Shack is about a spiritual journey of a father, who after suffering a family tragedy, spirals into a deep depression, causing him to question his innermost beliefs. Facing a crisis of faith, he discovers important truths that will transform his understanding of his tragedy and change his life forever.
[See Movie Clip: Trailer “Believe”] How many of you have seen the movie? For all those who have wondered where God is in their pain, for those who have questioned if God is there at all, The Shack presents an unforgettable encounter with a divine love that promises to never leave us.
[See Movie Clip 1: “Truth”] Have you ever asked that question: “Where were You when I needed You?” Have you ever wondered, Where is God in all this mess, in all this pain, in my suffering? How do we answer these questions? How do find hope in the midst of our pain? And how do we know God is good when everything around us feels like He isn’t?
- Don’t Hold Back First, let me encourage you that God can handle our questions. We don’t have to hold back with Him. He understands our emotions. Let’s look in the Bible at David. He offers us excellent examples in his psalms. He wasn’t afraid to tell God exactly what he was feeling.
- God Meets Us Evil and suffering exist in this world going all the way back to Adam and Eve. When that first couple chose to disobey God, they took the fall for all humanity, and sin has stained every one of us. The perfect creation God had made was broken, and that brokenness continues. Doesn’t He care? Absolutely. Why doesn’t God stop it? Someday He will when He restores all creation and makes everything new (Revelation 21:5).
- God Is Here Do you believe God is willing and able to do whatever it takes to reach and connect with you? It’s one thing to believe in a general way that God is good and His love is true. It’s another to believe that God’s love and goodness are personal—for you. Throughout the movie, Papa often uses the phrase “I am especially fond of you.” Do you believe God is fond of you?
God wants to carry us through whatever we face. Will we let Him? What journey is God inviting you on today? What step is He calling you to take to meet Him in whatever circumstances you are facing? How will you answer?