Message Aim: God’s solution for whatever your struggles may be.
Sermon Title: “The Prayer of Fulfillment”
Scripture: Matthew 6:13b
“For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen..” Matt. 6:13b
Message Synopsis:
Today we end the series we’ve been in for eight weeks that I’ve been calling “Connecting with God – the Lord’s Prayer.”
The final phrase of this prayer that Jesus prayed has three important words you need to understand. You will never understand life until you understand kingdom, power and glory. Because it all exists for that reason. You were made by God and you were made for God. God is love. And God made you to love you. He made you to live in his kingdom and to fulfill his kingdom. He made you to show his power. And he made you to bring him glory. You’re made for God.
What is God’s glory? It is the present reason for everything. It’s all for God’s glory. You were made for more than yourself. You weren’t made to live for yourself. You were made to live for the kingdom and the power and the glory. And you will never find fulfillment in life, until you begin to live in God’s kingdom, by God’s power, for God’s glory.
What I want to teach you today is: How to live in God’s kingdom? How to live by God’s power? How to live for God’s glory? Jesus said in John 10:10 “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” Most people aren’t living. They’re just existing. Why are most people not really living? Because they’re living for themselves. You’re not a big enough cause to give your self-meaning. You need something bigger than yourself to give your life meaning. It’s called the kingdom of God. So let’s look at the three keys to living a fulfilled life.
- Real fulfillment comes through living in God’s kingdom.
The Bible says this in 1 Thessalonians. “You should live in a way that proves that you belong to the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory.” What does it mean to live in God’s kingdom? It means you make God’s will your will.
- Live by God’s power.
The Bible tells us this “For the kingdom of God is not just fancy talk. It is living by God’s power.” Did you know God does not bless self-reliant people? He blesses people who are dependent upon him. People who are surrendered to him.
How do I get God’s power in my life?
- By praying. Prayer is the connection to God’s power.
- By taking risks to obey God. We only grow when our faith is being stretched.
- By not giving up. Trust me so I can pour my faith in you.
The third thing you’ve got to do if you’re going to live a fulfilled life.
- I must live for God’s glory.
The Bible says this “Jesus died to defeat sin and now he lives for the glory of God so you should consider yourselves dead to sin and able to live for the glory of God through Christ Jesus.”
Only God is worthy of your allegiance because he made you, he loves you, he has a plan for your life. He’s the one worthy.
How do I do this? How do I live for the glory of God? I could give you many ways to live for the glory of God. Let me just give you four real quick.
- The first way to live for the glory of God is show love to everybody.
Did you know that every time you show love it gives glory to God? Because God is love. It shows what God is like. And remember glory is revealing what God is really like.
Here’s a second way you could bring glory to God.
2. Use your abilities to serve everybody.
The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:10-11 “God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other.” God didn’t give you talents for your benefit. Your talents are for the benefit of other people. Their talents are for you. You are blessed to be a blessing.
- The third way you can show God glory: share the good news with everyone.
The Bible says “As God’s grace [that’s the good news of God’s grace through Jesus] brings more and more people to Christ, God will receive more and more glory.”
- The fourth way you show God glory: Join God’s family.
The Bible says this in Ephesians 3 “To God be the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus for all time forever and ever. Amen.” The only thing that’s going to last for eternity is God’s family. Nothing else is going to last. The Bible says one day the world will burn up. The Bible says that one day there will be a new heaven and new earth. The only thing that’s going to last is God’s family. There are only two things that are going to last forever. God’s word and people.