Message Aim: Knowing how we are to act toward each other? (First Sunday of Lent)
Sermon Title: “Romance?”
Scripture: Mark 10:6-8
6 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’[a]7 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,[b] 8 and the two will become one flesh.’[c] So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
For the last three weeks we have been talking about what matters most in healthy relationships. The first week we talked about “true love.” The second week we talked about “understanding each other.” Last week we talked about “communication.” Today …we want to conclude this series by talking about “Romance.”
To give love …and to be loved are the most precious gifts life has to offer.
Why? …because God created us with the ability to love one another. Mark 10, “ 7…a man will …be united to his wife, 8 and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one.” That’s a great, graphic picture of what it means to have a God designed marriage. You become one! You walk hand in hand together. You talk face to face together. You give heart to heart for each other.
I think connectedness is synonymous with oneness, which is what the Bible says God intended for relationships. Now comes the hard question for you. In your relationship, …in your marriage, …are you connected? or are you disconnected? Is there oneness?
How do you get connected? How do you get oneness? That’s where romance comes in! Romance is how you act toward each other. How do you know how are we to act toward each other? You have to read the Bible! It has a lot to say about relationships. So what does it say? It says, romance is kindness, gentleness, patience, caring, compliments, devotion. Romance for a person is telling them that they are special, appreciated, loved. A person needs to know they are important.
It is hard for some people to show affection to their mates. WHY? Because some never see their parents show affection. Because they take others for granted. They are selfish. One of the problems couples experience …is that they become strangers. The love that brought them together is ignored. Whatever you did to win a person to fall in love with you …you will have to do 3x as much to keep them. Romance says you’re number one on my list of priorities and that you matter more than anything else (or anyone else).
“Romance (Love) is that which causes one person to desire the most good to come to another person and that they will do whatever it takes to make it so.” Kindness, devotions, gentleness, commitment, patience, caring, attention, …makes one feel cared for, cherished, and loved. Think about when you were courting one another. What were fun things that you did? Do those again. You can’t enjoy one another when you’re too busy, so cut back. We could probably attribute about fifty percent of our disconnectedness to the fact that we’re busy. And when we don’t have the time or the energy, you can’t connect.
What does it look like when you’re connected? What happens is you’ll communicate openly and regularly about matters of the heart. You’ll encourage one another. You’ll act thoughtfully towards one another. You’ll be affectionate with one another. You’ll celebrate each other’s uniqueness and you’ll complement each other’s strengths. You’ll accept and tolerate each other’s weaknesses. You’ll resolve conflict constructively. You’ll make decisions mutually. You’ll face pressures courageously. You’ll serve each other joyfully. You’ll tease each other playfully. You’ll reveal failure to each other shamelessly. That’s the kind of oneness, the kind of marriage God designed.
Romance is how you act toward each other. Act with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.