“Seeing the Unseen Christ” (Week 5)
by Eric Rajaniemi
Welcome back!
Our scripture text this week is in Hebrews 4:12-16. So
open up your bible and let’s read what is found there.
You find the image of a two-edged sword that is quick
and powerful. It pierces a person deeply, dividing the soul
and the spirit, the joints and the the bone, it is able to
know a person’s thoughts and intentions. That is how the
Word of God is described here.
There are no living things that are not visible to His
sight. God sees all, sees everywhere, there is nowhere to
hide from Him.
But we are told that we have a high priest that has gone
into heaven, Jesus, who has felt our infirmities and our
temptations. Jesus knows how we feel in our daily lives.
He has already experienced these things.
Because of all of these things, we are told to come
boldly to God’s throne of grace, that we may get mercy
and find grace to help us in times of need.
I do not know about you, but I sure do need to be able
to go before God’s throne frequently to seek mercy and
So time for some more questions that will challenge you!
#1 The fact that God sees everything, how does that
make you feel? Uncomfortable? Comfortable?
#2 Remembering that self-destructive pattern in your
life that you have chosen to overcome, how does
verse 13 relate to that? Is there another verse in
this passage that you feel speaks to this pattern?
#3 Looking at verse 12, what part does Scripture(word
of God) play in opening up our lives before God?
#4 This journey is about seeing the unseen Christ. In
verses 15-16 the author speaks about Christ as our
great high priest. How do these two verses say
Christ’s presence helps us in our time/s of need?
#5 Looking at the key words found in verse 16, which of
them are you most drawn to, and why is that?
Perhaps you should pray this prayer:
“Gracious Father, You’ve been so good to me. Today I am
especially aware of ___________________. I remind
myself that whatever my circumstances, when I practice
Your presence I celebrate Your gift of life at its best. I
pray for my neighbors and friends who don’t yet know this
secret. Help me care for them as You have cared for me.
Use actual names of people, be specific. That blank space
can be filled with either a personal temptation that you
struggle with or perhaps naming God’s love or compassion
for you. Pray alone or pray with someone else. Pray a
blessing for each person that you name. It could be for
bodily health, work security, joy, peace, hope, love,
marriage, salvation, faith, and grace.