“Seeing the Unseen Christ” (Week 2)
by Eric Rajaniemi
Hello and welcome back! Let’s go over some of last week’s questions, shall we?
#1 I usually think evidence of Christ’s presence is being brought into someone’s life apparently by accident. I get to share my life with them, they share with me a little bit about themselves, and I am able to reassure them. I didn’t seek them out, our paths simply crossed one day. Christ caused that to happen.
#2 This worship scene is full of musical instruments and people singing joyfully to the Lord. Men were singing praise to God! It was not a somber worship, it was not very quiet either!
#3 I see that God was praised for being good, merciful, faithful, and eternal.
#4 I feel that each of us should begin preparing our hearts and souls on Saturday at some point during the day. Perhaps listening to some of our favorite gospel songs that highlight God’s attributes. This could also be done by reading some Scripture passages that include statements made by Jesus. But it needs to be something that each of us chooses to do determinedly, deliberately. This way we can be ready on Sunday to hear Jesus speak to us through songs and words.
Today I want us to read Matthew 17:1-13. Three disciples are invited by Jesus to come and experience Him in His transfigured state. A cloud overshadowed them up on the mountain, God’s voice speaks, and all three men fall to the ground on their faces much afraid. Interestingly, their body language was worship, “to attribute worth to deity.”
If Jesus were to suddenly appear physically in your Sunday morning worship service, how would you respond? Some of you probably would kneel, some of you might lay right down on the floor. Songs of heartfelt praise would soon be heard. Emotions would run very much higher than normal, don’t you think?
People ought to go to church anxious to experience His presence and to also praise Him with deep emotion and conviction. People should leave each service committed in their hearts to bring Jesus honor and glory by what they say and do.
Some more questions to consider and answer:
1) What out of the ordinary circumstances marked this event in today’s scripture text?
2) If you knew ahead of time that the transfigured Christ would appear before your congregation this coming Sunday, how would you respond?
3) Jesus said the people failed to recognize Elijah (John the Baptist) and would fail to recognize the Son of Man. Can you be sure that you won’t make the same mistake in recognizing the unseen Christ when His chuch gathers together?
Eric Rajaniemi