“Seeing the Unseen Christ” (Week 11)
by Eric Rajaniemi
Today we consider Romans 12:3-8 as we begin to look at practicing the presence of Christ. This practice involves serving Him with gratitude and eagerness!
In today’s world busyness is the characteristic of American culture. Most of us are extremely protective of our time. This protectiveness even extends into the church, it is not as easy to get volunteers for various ministries as it once was.
But what if Jesus Himself were to come and make an appeal for greater involvement in church ministries? Do you think that people would respond in greater numbers? What if He lifted His hands and people could see the scars where the nails had been driven through them?
I would hope that their overwhelming response would be, “How can we say no to You? It’s a privilege to serve You. We will make adjustments in our schedules to do what You have asked of us.”
- What are some strengths or skills that God has given to you?
- How might you use them to serve Christ in your home, your community, your workplace, and your church?
- Do you think highly of yourself or do you place equal value on what others do? Do you feel that what you do for Christ isn’t as valuable as what others do?
According to the apostle Paul, the church is composed of a body of believers in Jesus Christ. Just as our bodies are composed of many parts that all work together and must work together for our survival, so too, the church is composed of many parts/members which must work together. Everyone can’t be the head, or the eyes, or the mouth. Some must be the hands or the feet. The same principle applies to the gifts that God has graced all believers with. Not all can be pastors or teachers; not all can be servers; not all can be exhorters; not all can be leaders or church-planters.
Christ is the Head of the church, it is He who directs its members through His Holy Spirit. He has no favorites, He treats everyone the same. That is how He expects us to treat each other. The usher is just as valuable as the pastor. The parking lot worker is just as valuable as the Youth pastor. The welcomers are just as valuable as the Praise Team that sings during worship service. All are serving God out of love for Him.
I would ask if there are any examples of gifts in today’s passage that you most identify with? This may provide you with additional prayers, asking God to increase your giftedness.