“Seeing the Unseen Christ” (Week 10)
by Eric Rajaniemi
Welcome back! This week we will finish studying how to embrace righteousness and also turn away from wickedness/sin.
Our text for today is James 4:1-12. James asks us a very pertinent question, one that remains as true today as it was back in his time. What causes arguments and fighting among us? We all struggle with this problem, we all see it playing out in the daily news headlines whether it is on television, internet, magazine, or newspaper. James then tells us what causes all of this to happen: our desires that constantly battle inside of us. We want something but we do not get it. We covet what our neighbor/s have but can’t have what we covet. The frequent solution? We steal, we argue, we fight, we commit violence against one another over what we want. This plays out between individuals, families, communities, and even nations. One nation wants what another nation has, so war is declared, fighting ensues, and we witness death and destruction. Currently we get to watch Russia covet Ukraine, construct a false reason to invade, and then engage in killing and destruction. All because their leader considers Kyiv to have always been a part of Russia and must now become again a part of mother Russia. Covetousness.
James also points out that because we do not ask we therefore do not receive. Or, we do not ask with the right motivation and therefore we still do not receive. If we stop and consider our own congregations, are there any self-destructive patterns that should be acknowledged and then corrected? See, if we do not expose these behaviors they will repeatedly harm many people unnecessarily. As believers in Christ we should not act in such a fashion.
We are tempted each day and we must therefore be prepared ahead of time so that we can resist the temptation. In verse seven James points out what we are to do when confronted with temptation. He says to submit ourselves to God. We Americans have a tough time actually doing this. We are fiercely independent and do not like anyone trespassing on our liberty/freedom. But we must surrender ourselves to God and His authority in our lives if we wish to remain free from sin. James also tells us to resist Satan, do not surrender to him ever. We are to wash our hands of sinful acts, purify our hearts if we discover that we are trying to live for God and for the world. Finally, James says we must humble ourselves before God; renounce excessive pride and Christ will lift us up.
Proverbs teaches that pride goes before a fall. Pride tends to blind us to any negative consequences of our actions. We end up stumbling and falling into disgrace, usually unexpectedly. Our self-sufficiency can also lead us into temptation as well as elevating our sense of pride in our abilities. Pride can lead us into conflict with other people. They become offended by our superior attitude and decide to become confrontational. Arguments and even fighting result.
We can conclude from this passage that we must always be checking ourselves to see if our actions/words are going to either lead us to be tempted to sin, or, lead someone else to sin in response to what we have said or done. Jesus has told us to avoid any appearance of wickedness in our lives. It is a hard thing to do under our own power, thus why He sends His Holy Spirit to live within His believers.
That is all for this week. Please consider memorizing James 4:7-8 and use it to assist you in avoiding temptation and committing sin in your daily lives.