Reaching People

Reaching People

What do we mean, Reaching People?

Do we care about what people have gone through and are going through in life? Do we have any answers or hope to make life’s journey any different or better? The  answer is a resounding Yes!

The answer is found in the love of God. God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten Son to come and die to pay the cost of sin. God wants us to love people enough to reach out to them with His gospel message of redemption, love, and peace. We are trying to do so in creative ways.

We desire Lakeland Church to be characterized by a vibrant, evangelistic spirit that witnesses the power of God transforming lives. We fully expect God to transform those who are slaves to immorality, addiction, greed, bigotry, prejudice, hate, and violence. We fully expect God to transform those who have been abused, molested, raped, neglected, manipulated, assaulted, and suffer physical, emotional, and spiritual brokenness as a result. God does so through His amazing Grace.

We invite you to come along side of us and partner with us to not just be in the Church, but to “be the Church.” Come, help us reach people through words and actions!
