Serving Others

Serving Others

Growth Steps:  Step 4 – To Serve!

Making a Difference in People’s lives?

Most of us want to make a difference; we want to leave our mark on the world, and on the heart of hurting people. And God has gifted each of us with a particular set of skills to do just that—together through Lakeland Church. As a follower of Christ, one of the most powerful lessons you can put into action is serving in the church. Because when you volunteer your time and talent, you will discover the key to creating change. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

Called Out to Serve!

Every believer in Jesus Christ is gifted to serve God and people.  God has designed and called you to contribute to His work in your home, community, and church.  At Lakeland, you will be encouraged to serve others with unique opportunities and service projects. Reaching out to people for Jesus is a part of our Growth Step process as we seek to love God and love people with passion.  Be a part of the team! Jesus was the ultimate example that our lives were meant to be spent in service to others.


The true heartbeat of Lakeland Church is working together. We are a small group of people, but we want to connect relationally while encouraging each other in their spiritual growth. We have discovered that life is better when we do it together. Growth Steps create an environment where every person can grow spiritually in the process of serving others.

Steps for Serving One Another:

[1] Becoming Like Jesus 

As a believer who is growing spiritually, your life should begin to look more and more like Jesus. In fact, the Bible says that God wants you to become like his Son. The best way to become like Jesus is to serve others. Jesus himself said that “…he came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). So when you serve other people through Lakeland Church, you are living like Jesus lived. Serving like Jesus is a step of Spiritual maturity.

[2] Caring About the Broken Hearted 

The Christian life is one of service to others, where we show love and kindness to everyone, even to those who do not treat us well. One of the most valuable ways to serve others through Lakeland Church is to show them that we care. There are many people who feel lonely and want to just chat. However, there are others in our community at Lakeland who are full of needs: the poor and homeless, military families, sick children, single moms, the elderly, the lonely and forsaken. Hurting people need Christians in their community to reach out and demonstrate the love of Christ. That’s where you come in! When others need our help most, we should make a special effort to show them that we care. By providing love and support we at Lakeland can make a real difference in the lives of others. Caring like Jesus is a step of Spiritual maturity.

[3] Loving Our Neighbor

Every Christian should yearn for continual spiritual growth. A genuine love for God is always the first priority. But a second, just as important, is to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39).  To love your neighbor may first require that you get to know them. The simple act of getting to know someone is a practical way to love others as we would like to be loved. Giving our time and encouragement at Lakeland to someone will often be more valuable than even the most generous gift. We can serve our neighbors in many ways, and we should ensure that we use every opportunity that we can. Loving like Jesus is a step of Spiritual maturity.

[4] Telling Others the Good News

Serving is all about being a witness. It’s about setting aside time in our busy schedules to share God’s love with others. It’s about looking beyond your to-do list and your calendar of events to meet the needs of others in the Lakeland Church, in your family, in your neighborhood, and in the world. Jesus told His followers to be His witnesses. (Acts 1:8). When we serve others, we are serving the Lord, and being His witness. There are small, simple acts that we can do everyday to witness and to serve those around us and ultimately, to serve Christ. In these simple acts of kindness we develop a servant’s heart. Telling others of the good news of Jesus can help people change their lives. Letting others know in a sincere and loving manner that at Lakeland we care about them, can help people discover the truth of the Christian gospel. The way we serve people shows them who Jesus is.  As a follower of Jesus, you have the ability to impact the community at Lakeland with the love of Jesus. Telling other about Jesus is a step of Spiritual maturity.
