The Lake Side Church will be standing in the gap for our community to be a light shinning the way to help people find their way to God for the first time (or find their way back once again to God if they have gotten far away). We invite you to come along side of us and to join us in the celebration. There are other activities during this season that we also invite you to participate in with us. Our annual “Love Feast Service” and a fun time with the children for an old fashion “Egg Hunt.”
However, most importantly, as we celebrate Easter, it is a time to be filled with joy! Because we are celebrating the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ! And celebrating His victory over sin and death on the cross. Jesus won the victory over our sin , over our death. The Easter message is a call that we live as Easter People! Renewed, redeemed, resurrected to become a follower of Jesus! God so loved the world that God came to us as one of us in Christ Jesus. He lived our human life, knew our human sorrow and pain, and he died our human death. But the power of the love of God transforms our human sorrows, human pain, human death into joy, consolation and life everlasting, in the resurrection of Jesus. And God is still with us, living in our broken world with us – and will never leave us.
The power of the love of God brought new life, rising in Jesus from the darkness of death, and Jesus promises new life to all people: New Life that is everlasting. This is the Easter Message. And we want to celebrate this day with you where the love of God is made real through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! Thanks be to God. Please worship with us this Easter!